I really
enjoyed reading this excerpt from “Common Sense” and rightfully titled so. After
the introduction, Thomas Paine starts saying this is my argument and all I am
stating are common facts. In the first paragraph of this section, he basically
says “Sit down, shut up, and listen”, which I love. After that, it gets a
little shaky or unclear what he is saying until about a page and a half in.

Another argument
he makes is that America should not have any relations with England because it
is a monarchy and they are almost always at war. So when they are at war, we
will have to come save their butts and then we would be in debt or our economy
would decrease etc. It is the same with the whole trade argument.
That is
basically the end of Paine’s argument, but then he goes on to say that if a
person still believes America should be governed by England, then he has
probably not lost a loved one in the war or if he has then he is “unworthy of
the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever may be your rank or
title in live, you have the heart of a coward, and a spirit of a sycophant (p
331) or according to Dictionary.com, a self-seeking,
servile flatterer, fawning parasite, which makes me laugh a little.
I love the way he entitled this piece; “Common Sense”. It’s
kind of a smack in the face. Paine’s almost saying that he shouldn’t have to
spell this out to you but he is. He’s saying that the people of America should
have the common sense to see that we should not be tied to Britain in anyway
shape or form and that we should keep on fighting for America. “O! ye that love
mankind! Ye that dare appose not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth.
Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hath been
hunted around the globe. Asia and Africa have long expelled her. Europe regards
her like a stranger, and England hath given her warning to depart. O! receive the
fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind (p 332).
Hi Rachel, Thanks for the good posts on the PG and Paine's CS. I know those old colonial newspapers are not easy to read, but they give us insight into the print culture of the period. The people were provincial, always trying to keep up with Europe. I thought your response to CS was particularly good. Not always easy to read either, but so relevant. CS is cited as the most effective piece of political rhetoric ever written in the US. Thanks for reading so closely. dw