This story
is very weird and is about a woman’s decent into madness. The story really
creeped me out and I don’t think I like it. It’s like a horror story and I’m
not a liker of horror stories at all. I get nightmares after watching or
reading them. Hopefully I won’t get one after reading this one.
So the narrator and her family move
into this house for the summer and the narrator obsesses about this yellow
wallpaper and swears she see someone behind it. She found something creepy
about the house and tries to tell her husband, but he won’t listen. The narrator
thinks that the person behind the wallpaper is a woman who was confined in the
room as if she was and that is why the guards were put up around the window and
other such things. Well eventually, she goes mad and tears off all the
wallpaper and when her husband finally opens the door, he faints and she
circles the room on all fours saying. “I’ve got out at last,…despite of you and
Jane! And I’ve pulled off all of the wallpaper, so you can’t put me back!”
(1695). Creepy little story isn’t it? Ya, I thought so.
Well that’s really all I have to say
on this story. I don’t want to get to into it because of the whole horror crazy
side of it. The story was interesting, creepy and I don’t think I’ll be reading
it again any time soon.